Assignment 3

Shutter Speed

Purpose: to provide a visual understanding of how to use shutter speed to blur or freeze action.



Blurring & Freezing action

22 Sept 2022 | Amman | Photo by Sarah Jane Dunaway

1/15s (f5 ISO 125) - 50 mm lens

22 Sept 2022 | Amman | Photo by Sarah Jane Dunaway

1/30s (f3.5 ISO 100) - 50 mm lens

22 Sept 2022 | Amman | Photo by Sarah Jane Dunaway

1/60s (f3.2 ISO 100) - 50 mm lens


22 Sept 2022 | Amman | Photo by Sarah Jane Dunaway

1/125s (f2 ISO 100) - 50 mm lens

22 Sept 2022 | Amman | Photo by Sarah Jane Dunaway

1/250s (f1.8 ISO 100) - 50 mm lens

22 Sept 2022 | Amman | Photo by Sarah Jane Dunaway

1/500s (f1.8 ISO 250) - 50 mm lens

Note: in this particular photo, the green center is spinning as opposed to the blue wings, as reflected in previous photos.


The outtakes


1/15s (f4.5 ISO 125)
50 mm lens

1/15s (f5 ISO 125)
50 mm lens

1/500s (f1.8 ISO 250)
50 mm lens

1/500s (f1.8 ISO 250)
50 mm lens


Set 2



22 Sept 2022 | Amman | Photo by Sarah Jane Dunaway


1/60s (f11 ISO 1000) - 50 mm lens




I very much enjoyed this shoot, although I did run into a few unexpected issues — such as the subject of Set 2, attempting to steal the subject of Set 1. I enjoyed playing around with different shutter speeds to capture motion and compare the different settings as I feel like I am finally starting to grasp how they all work together, and especially what to do when my images are shooting too dark or too light.

I accidently started with the 1/30s photo, and at the end captured the 1/500s and 1/15s images, so it is obvious that towards the end of my shoot the tiny human entered the scene and started competing with me for the objects. It did create a humorous series, and even in a class assignment, I love that the unexpected still has a place, providing a few images I could not have predicted. All of this combined allowed me to look beyond what I was originally planning to capture for something a bit more interesting and unique.

Technically speaking, the Panning portion was the most challenging in trying to find the right combination between the ISO, shutter speed and F-stop. During the first several rounds of Set 2, I realized I was using a lower F-stop. Then, when I moved to an F11/F16 the images were much too dark. Chasing around the subject of Set 2 and trying to find the right combination, all while ensuring the parameters of the assignment were met, required quite a bit of trial and error!